Here are some ways to prevent failed assignments:
- Structure assignments clearly; develop clear reporting relationships and job responsibilities.
- Create clear job objectives.
- Develop performance measurements based on objectives.
- Use effective, validated selection and screening criteria. These would include both technical and personal attributes.
- Prepare expatriates and families for assignment, including full briefings, and cultural and language training. Develop continuing support for all involved.
- Create a vehicle for ongoing communication with the expatriate. This responsibility is shared between expatriate, managers and other support staff.
- Anticipate repatriation. There are a wide variety of activities that expats and their managers can engage in to ease the reentry.
- Consider developing a mentor program that will help monitor the assignment and provide resources to intervene if there’s trouble.
Suggestions are based on information provided by Jeff Freeburg, principal, H.R. International in Canton, Massachusetts.
Personnel Journal, November 1996, Vol. 75, No. 11, p. 82.