It’s important to realize that the best creative workers are largely self-motivated—it’s the quality of their work that matters most. Therefore, companies should invest in the kinds of resources necessary for these employees to do their best work.
- Give creative people tools and resources that allow their work to shine.
Whether it’s the latest “toys” in the way of equipment and technology, being able to spend money on a quality photo shoot, or simply sufficient materials and space, creatives derive satisfaction from seeing their work produced in a quality manner.
- Provide ongoing recognition and appreciation.
Although creatives are self-motivated, they still require and respond to external recognition. Ideally, this recognition should come from creative managers who understand the creative process and can appreciate good quality work.
- Keep in mind, there’s no one-size-fits-all creative.
Even creatives that do basically the same thing can demonstrate great variety and skill level.
SOURCE: “Strategies for Managing Creative Workers” by Shari Caudron, December 1994. Copyright ACC Communications/ Personnel Journal. All rights reserved.