
His Faculty Says Yes, But College President Says No to Partner Benefits

By Staff Report

Sep. 1, 2004

The faculty at Columbia College in Missouri has recommended that employees receive domestic-partner benefits. But the college’s president is essentially vetoing the recommendation, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Columbia President Gerald Brouder says that the proposal might “cause problems” at the college’s 15 military campuses, according to the Tribune. More than half of Columbia’s campuses are on military bases, serving service men and women and their dependents. He also says that offering health and other benefits to domestic partners (which often, though not always, end up being given to people of the same gender) could conflict with Missouri’s constitutional definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman.

In addition, Brouder says, “it’s nearly impossible to distinguish between a genuine same-sex relationship and a couple that might live together simply to acquire benefits.”

Celeste Mazzacono, one of the faculty members that supports offering domestic-partner benefits, says she does so partly for business reasons–it will help recruit faculty members.

For related information, see “Little Impact From Gay Marriage Ruling.”

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