
Hire People Who Will Make a Real Impact

By Staff Report

Oct. 13, 1999

When you’re recruiting, look for people who not only would fill an opening in your company, but who will make an impact.

Some ideas for finding “impact” folks:

  1. Search communities like those found at and see which people are answering a lot of other people’s questions. They’ll answer your questions once you hire them.
  2. Look for people active in non-profit community groups (e.g. hospital board), on boards of directors of community groups, and who are officers on those boards. They have energy.
  3. Target readers of the top magazines in your industry, and users of the top Web sites. They’re trying to stay ahead of the game.
  4. Decide the classes at the local community college (such as HTML 101 or Advanced Pastry-Making) that offer the most-valuable information. Ask the professor to recommend a few of the most motivated students.

SOURCE: Todd Raphael, Online Editor, Workforce Online.

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