
Global Corporate University Week 2001

By Staff Report

Feb. 22, 2001

Global Corporate University Week 2001 will explore how the world’s best internal training organizations are thinking through objectives, setting goals and priorities, measuring training performance, and sloughing off the unproductive. 30+ world leading practitioners representing over a dozen countries are featured at this years event.

Also featured are two special Keynote Presentations by Richard Teerlink, Former Chairman of Harley Davidson and best-selling co-author of More Than a Motorcycle: The Leadership Journey of Harley-Davidson, and David P. Norton, President of the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and co-founder of the Balanced Scorecard strategic management system.

Networking events included in the conference fee are a full day sightseeing tour of Geneva and Chamonix, France, networking reception and an exclusive Dinner cruise on Lake Geneva with attendees and speakers.

To download more information on the conference, visit, e-mail, or call 800/882-8684 and request a conference brochure. Your Priority Code is: H027W!

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