HR Administration

Economy, Obama Administration Policies Are Top Employer Priorities in 2013: Survey

By Max Mihelich

Jul. 9, 2013

Paying close attention to current economic conditions and Obama administration policies are the top priorities for employers in 2013.

According to a survey conducted by San Francisco-based law firm Littler Mendelson, a favorable economic climate has 60 percent of employers expecting to continue hiring this year, the same figure as last year. Additionally, 70 percent of survey respondents expect the Obama administration to assign a high priority to job creation in 2013.

“As the economy continues to recover, our findings suggest that employers are eager to expand their workforce and are starting to see a decline in the impact of some of the key obstacles facing workers,” Thomas Bender, co-managing director of Littler Mendelson, said in a written statement.

The study also shows 86 percent of employers expect the president to place a high importance on health care reform, and 82 percent believe immigration reform will be a high priority, as well.

An interesting survey finding concerning health care reform shows only 6 percent of respondents said they’ll be discontinuing health benefits for employees, opting to pay the associated fines once the Affordable Care Act’s “play or pay” mandate takes effect in 2015.

And when it comes to immigration reform provisions that will affect businesses, employers are hoping lawmakers make improvements to employment verification systems and increase the amount of temporary work visas allotted to highly skilled foreign workers, the study states. Employers indicated both provisions carry the potential to have the most positive impact on their businesses.

Additional issues employers are most interested in this year are whistle-blowing, workplace violence and social media, according to the survey.

Max Mihelich is a Workforce associate editor. Comment below or email Follow Mihelich on Twitter at @workforcemax.

Max Mihelich is a writer in the Chicago area.

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