By Staff Report
Apr. 14, 2002
Dear Looking:
Here is a suggested checklist of qualities tohelp you find a good industrial medical provider.
Are the reports comprehensive and issuedin a timely manner?
Is the medical treatment comprehensive andof good quality?
Is a physician available to discuss caseswith you — at least on the telephone — and to solicit your input?
Is the initial history taken by thephysician or does he/she have a historian? (Taking the initial history isvery important and should not be allocated to anyone who doesn’t understandthe implications.)
Is the physician willing to placerestrictions on a person’s employment and/or job tasks rather than placinghim/her off work?
Is the medical provider familiar withworkers’ comp laws and rating systems?
Does the medical provider do mostlydefense or plaintiff work?
SOURCE: Certification of Disability ManagementSpecialists Commission (CDMSC), Rolling Meadows, Illinois, Sept. 28, 2001.
LEARN MORE: See “PurchasingHealth Care and Value“
The information contained in this article isintended to provide useful information on the topic covered, but should not beconstrued as legal advice or a legal opinion. Also remember that state laws maydiffer from the federal law.
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