
Dear Workforce How Do We Convince College Grads to Consider Shift Work?

By Staff Report

Oct. 18, 2010

Dear Cautious Recruiter:

I can understand why the recruiting of shift work candidates can be very challenging. Without knowing what current methods and strategies that your company is using, here are some thoughts:

• Use real-life case studies to highlight current employees who were hired for shift work and then have progressed upwardly in the company. Candidates will be willing to put up with the difficulties of shift work if they know that the company has a defined, upwardly mobile career path in mind. Putting together real-life case studies of shift-work employees who progressed upwardly in the company would be a very powerful tool in your recruiting.

• Focus recruiting on candidates whose lifestyle fits with shift work. Some candidates may want shift work given their lifestyle. For example, it would be beneficial for two-income families to work shifts to be able to raise their children without the cost of day care. Also, some candidates may not be good early risers and would prefer working a later shift. Therefore, your company needs to focus its efforts on those candidates who truly look at shift work as a plus.

• Emphasize the valuable training and experience offered by shift work. It is important to de-emphasize the shift-work aspect of the positions and emphasize to the candidates the valuable training and experience they will be gaining. Candidates, especially new college grads, are just looking for a start. If the positions allow them to gain great training and experience, they are more likely to focus on the long-term gain than the short-term pain.

SOURCE: Mike Sweeny, principal, MAS Recruiting, Cherry Hill, New Jersey

LEARN MORE: Some companies with nonstandard work shifts are trying to help employees cope with challenges such as juggling job and family obligations.

Workforce Management Online, October 2010Register Now!

The information contained in this article is intended to provide useful information on the topic covered, but should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion. Also remember that state laws may differ from the federal law.

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