
The 9th Nominee for the Worst Employer of 2018 Is … the Retaliator

By Jon Hyman

May. 24, 2018

Today, I take you to lovely Riverside County, California, home of Palm Springs, Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Music Festival … and the ninth nominee for the Worst Employer of 2018.

Until his termination on May 7, 2018, Andrew Yeghnazar had, since 2010, worked as the president of Blacoh Fluid Control, Inc.

What did Blacoh Fluid Control (allegedly) do to earn its nomination?

It retaliated … a lot.

Yeghnazar’s complaint reads like a law school exam in an employment law class. If you’ve ever been to law school, you know that it’s not a good analogy to be part of.

Yeghnazar alleges that he complained about Blacoh’s CEO, Diana Vise.

‣ About her alcoholism.
‣ And drug abuse.
‣ And memory loss.
‣ And failing to show up to work.
‣ And embezzlement.
‣ And tax fraud.
‣ And calling an African American employee the “token black guy.”
‣ And refusing to hire a candidate because he was “too fat.”
‣ And prohibiting the hiring of anyone “more beautiful” than her.

The result?

An administrative leave for Yeghnazar, followed a few days later by his termination.

Any one of these (alleged) retaliatory acts in the court document might be enough to a spot on my list.

But all of them might make you the worst employer of 2018.

Jon Hyman is a partner at Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis in Cleveland. Comment below or email Follow Hyman’s blog at
Jon Hyman is a partner in the Employment & Labor practice at Wickens Herzer Panza. Contact Hyman at

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