HR Administration

2016 Game Changer: Jay Caldwell

By Lauren Dixon

Jul. 22, 2016

Jay Caldwell’s hard work and innovative mind earned him two promotions in only 18 months at ADP. In that time, he supported the move to a pay-for-performance culture, whichWF_0815_GameChangerLogo came from his work in creating ADP’s performance management philosophy, strategy and framework. Other projects include creating a strategic workforce planning discipline; developing a change management strategy and training; a real-time feedback tool and conducting webinars.

Leaders took WF_0816_GC_Jay-Caldwellnote. According to Jill Altana, ADP vice president of global talent and development, the CEO of the 55,000-person company noticed Caldwell’s contributions.

“In my entire 30-year career, I have never come across a more talented individual,” she wrote in his application. She added that his innovative thinking, thought leadership and collaboration skills make this 34-year-old a true game changer.

Lauren Dixon is a Workforce associate editor. Comment below or email Follow Workforce on Twitter at @workforcenews.

Lauren Dixon is a senior editor at Workforce.

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