
2013 Game Changer: Monica Sauls

By Rita Pyrillis

Aug. 11, 2013

As human resources and talent manager at pharmacy retail giant Walgreen Co., Monica Sauls has helped hundreds of employees manage and grow their careers.

Her specialty is change management, guiding employees through changing job roles and other career transitions. Sauls, 35, who is based in St. Louis, manages HR operations for 8,000 employees at 300 store locations for the retailer. She oversees a team of nine HR practitioners specializing in training development, staffing, succession planning and workforce planning.

“Leading cutting-edge human resources and talent programs that promote an environment where all employees can discover peace, happiness and excitement in their work is the most rewarding aspect of my career,” Sauls says in an email.

And she has shared her knowledge beyond Walgreen, discussing careers on a local television show that also streams on YouTube.

Rita Pyrillis is Workforce’s senior editor. Comment below or email Follow Pyrillis on Twitter at @RitaPyrillis.

Rita Pyrillis is a writer based in the Chicago area.

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