Projected leave balances make it easier to make informed decisions when requesting and approving leave.
Once configured, the projected balances will show on the time-off page, as well as in the mobile app.
For example - Your employee may wish to request leave over the Christmas period, but since it's only March, doesn't have a sufficient leave balance. By checking her projected balance, the employee can confidently request the leave, knowing that by Christmas she will have enough leave accrued.
How do I set up projected leave balances?
Display Predicted Leave Accruals can be switched on under 'All Settings' > 'Leave Settings':

Next, enter an accrual rate. Navigate to Leave > Leave Types and edit the leave type you wish to project:
Note: This won't impact your leave balances in your payroll system and will just be used in
How are the projections calculated?
When relevant we will calculate the projections based on the following factors:
Regular Hours of Work
Regular Hours of Work Min Base Hours
Schedule Patterns
Part-Time Fixed Hours
Expected hours in a fortnight (for salaried staff)
Using the above, we determine how many hours the employee will work between now and when the leave request is taken, and then multiply that by the leave type's "hours accrued per hour worked".
If none of the above are set up, the employee will not see a projected leave balance.
Are other future leave requests considered in the balance?
For managers - the balance displayed when approving leave will be the employees projected balance minus any future leave requests that have already been approved.
For employees - the balance displayed when applying for leave will be their projected balance minus any future approved and pending leave requests. This is to give employees an indication of their 'Available' balance.