
Table of Contents April 2001

By Staff Report

Mar. 28, 2001



The Myth of Job Happiness
Despite good salaries, greatperks, and more marketplace power than ever, employee job satisfaction isat a five-year low. HR can change that landscape.
By Shari Caudron
Surviving Internet Speed
The Net accelerates business,but sometimes at too great a cost. You can make Internet speed work foryou, instead of working you over.
By Samuel Greengard
Discovering Relocation HomeLoans
By putting these specialprograms into place, HR can retain valued employees, and save them time,money, and misery as they settle into a new city.
By Sarah Fister Gale
B of A and Big-Time Outsourcing
An alliance between Bank ofAmerica and Exult might signal a trend toward large-scale HR out-sourcing.Success requires intensive planning.
By Eilene Zimmerman
Knowing How to Keep Your Bestand Brightest
What’s the key to retention?Training managers to be better at their jobs, and making them accountablefor maintaining low turnover.
By Kevin Dobbs

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Leader Summit Series:
Recruitment & Staffing
How can HR find and hire thebest people despite an uncertain economy? How can HR keep a company’s besthuman assets? Workforce asked industry leaders, and here theydiscuss powerful strategies you can use — right now.


Between the Lines
Beware of jobs that promise tobe your whole life.
University of Phoenix Online and some ofits students speak out.
Dear Workforce:
Taming the multitaskingemployee. • Creatinga reward program for “true” leads. •Tracking vacation days.
On the Contrary
Picasso, Princess Diana, andShari Caudron’s high-school friend Sue Myra have something in common: theydeveloped very specific reputations. (Shari’s working on hers.)
The Buzz
H-1B visa relief. •Surviving the layoff aftermath. •Ergonomic fallout. •401(k) costs.• Why women still earn less than men.
Most managers dislike doingperformance appraisals. But an array of software and Web-enabled solutionscan help companies of any size do efficient and fair evaluations.
Legal Insight
New rules on who qualifies forhealth insurance. • Anairline is liable for unauthorized Web-site access. •Keeping track of e-mail.
Think Twice
Who’s piloting that jetlineryou’re taking today? Todd Raphael thinks someone with experience andwisdom should be in the cockpit. Say, someone over 60.

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