
Committing to Customers at Claim Time

By Staff Report

Sep. 18, 2003

Deb Mosley understands firsthand the importance of income protectioninsurance. She had just embarked on her career as an attorney for Morrison &Foerster LLP, a California-based law firm, when she was diagnosed with breastcancer at the age of 31.

    In addition to her health, Deb’s immediate concern was for her jobsecurity. Her position as a new employee with the firm was important to her bothin terms of financial support and because she was eager to make her mark as anattorney.

    Deb’s financial worries were eased by income protection benefits shereceived under her employer’s UnumProvident long-term disability policy. HerUnumProvident case manager, Christine Davis, provided practical support byhandling benefits paperwork and physician contacts during Deb’s leave fromwork.

    Christine also provided much-needed emotional support. “Christine was verycompassionate and gave me a place to turn and talk about my experience,” saidDeb.

    Throughout her recovery from a bilateral mastectomy, eight chemotherapyinfusions and 27 radiation treatments, Deb remained determined to return to workas quickly and safely as possible. She succeeded in this goal by rejoining thefirm–incredibly, just ten months after her diagnosis.

    “A motivated individual is the key to any successful return-to-work story,”notes Christine. “Deb told me she wanted to go back to work, and I said, ‘Thenlet’s partner to make it happen.’”

“UnumProvident helped make my return to work possible. Thesupport was above and beyond what I expected.”

    As Deb explains, “UnumProvident helped make my return to work possible. Thesupport was above and beyond what I expected. I wanted my life back and I got it… I’m lucky.”

    The facts of Deb’s story are unique, but her experience with UnumProvidentis not unusual. Hundreds of thousands of individuals turn UnumProvident eachyear during times of disability. The insurance coverage and benefits theyreceive help ease the financial uncertainty resulting from their disability.

    UnumProvident will pay more than $3.6 billion in disability benefits in 2002,and employs 3,000 in its Customer Care Center claims management organization.These professionals include claims paying specialists, physicians representing18 subspecialties, nurse case managers and vocational rehabilitationspecialists. UnumProvident has 30 percent more medically related resources thanits eight closest competitors combined.**

    Clinical expertise and personal attention to each claim form the heart of theorganization. When an individual like Deb reports a disability claim, the claimis “triaged” to specialized impairment units based on type of injury orillness and expected duration.

    UnumProvident’s dedication to claimants’ income protection andreturn-to-work needs translates into the support employers need in today’sbenefits environment. Benefits managers have to do more with fewer resources andneed an insurance partner with the scale to service employees as efficiently andempathetically as possible. Through resources including its unique impairment-based claim management approach, return-to-work program development, and trenddata analysis, UnumProvident helps employers build a more productive workplaceculture that encourages employees to stay at work possible and return to workafter an absence.

**UnumProvident represents multiple insuring subsidiaries of UnumProvidentCorporation and includes the #1 group and individual income protection carriersin the United States according to JHA 2001 Group and Individual DisabilityMarket Surveys, 2002.

*UnumProvident internal competitor analysis, March 2002

Deb Mosley’s employer-provided policy is underwritten by Provident Life andAccident Insurance Company.

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