Employee Benefits Administration Software

Benefits Management for hourly workforces

Manage your hourly staff benefits so the right staff are eligible, keeping your staffing costs down and retention high.

100% visibility into hourly staff eligibility

See which staff are forecasted to be eligible for benefits and adjust their scheduled hours. That way you give your best staff more hours, make them eligible, and lower their turnover. While preventing other staff from working too many hours and driving up benefits and labour costs.

Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K, Commuter, FSA, and more.

You can mix and match the benefits offered by teams and tenure, giving you greater flexibility of benefits packages to hourly staff, managers, and corporate staff. This helps you prevent employee turnover and gives you greater control of your benefits budget.

Comply with ACA & COBRA

Track ACA obligations through dashboards and automated reminders. That way you can comply with your ACA obligations, and avoid expensive fines and lawsuits.

Online Enrollment & Employee Self Service

Automate enrollment by collecting staff details on a mobile app, with push notifications to remind them to complete on time. This stops your HR team constantly chasing hourly staff across locations, so they can instead focus on the employee experience.

Shift communication and swapping in a snap.

Unexpected changes in your employees’ rota but you’re not physically at work to approve leave? Quickly edit their shifts with the app, complete with all the staff information you need.

Integrate with your Payroll Software and Health Care Carriers

Payroll deductions are automatically updated each pay run.