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Attendance Write-Up Template

Formally addressing attendance issues early and often keeps bad habits from snowballing. Handle tardiness like a pro by downloading and customizing this free attendance write-up.

Attendance Write Up

[Employee’s Full Name]
[Employee’s Position]

Dear [Employee’s Name],

This is an official warning regarding your violation of [Company Name]’s time and attendance policies.

Attendance infraction:

On [Date(s)], you were observed [mention infraction with details on how it violates the company policy].

Expectations & policies:

[Quote the relevant areas of your time and attendance policies and include a hyperlink to where they can access them directly.]

Previous action taken:

We have discussed this matter on [X] previous occasions. We first [action] on [date]. Additionally, we [action] on [date].

Corrective action and further consequences:

This attendance write-up serves as formal documentation of the infraction. We expect you to prioritize punctuality and adhere to the established attendance policies going forward.

Failure to improve your attendance and address this issue may result in further disciplinary action, including [list specifics according to your company policy].

Improvement plan:

To rectify this situation, we recommend that you review and familiarize yourself with our company’s attendance policy and procedures. Additionally, we encourage you to make any necessary adjustments to ensure your timely arrival at work.

If you encounter any challenges or have concerns related to your attendance, please communicate with your supervisor or the HR department for guidance and support.

Please sign below to acknowledge that you have received and understood this attendance write-up. If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns regarding this write-up, please inform your supervisor.

Employee’s Signature: _______________________
Date: ________________
Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________
Date: ________________

Please note that this write-up will be kept in your personnel file for future reference. We trust that you will take this matter seriously and make the necessary improvements to maintain consistent attendance.

[Supervisor’s Name]
[Supervisor’s Title]
[Company Name]

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